Not sure where to put your hard-earned investment dollars? While stocks and bonds can fluctuate, precious metals usually tend to rise, making silver and gold smart investments. But with so many options out there, it can be confusing deciding which precious metal option is best for you.
From Investing in Gold
Investing in Gold Bullion in Canada
Not only do we buy your old gold, but we also sell it in bullion form. Learn more about investing in gold bullion in Canada in this short video.
Investing in Gold – Factors That Influence the Price of Gold
Understanding the factors that influence the price of gold is crutial before making an investment in the precious metal. Equally important is to be aware of the key differences in the supply and demand of gold compared to other investments such as commodities, stocks and bonds.
Investment Demand for Gold
The demand for jewellery as an investment comes in large part from reputation. While there are no direct factors that link gold prices to inflation, the US dollar, or economic and political concerns, investors’ expectations – as long as enough people believe – are powerful enough to create a relationship.